Shu Ishido’s Diary – Entry 25

Shu Ishido’s Diary – Entry 25

All things must come to an end, and so too must Shu Ishido’s Diary. Ultraman Arc has ended, and we will miss it — and Shu himself — terribly. Let’s see what he has to say, just one more time.
Date: xx/xx

On my way home today I received a call from Mr. Nibuya.
Due to the significant decrease in kaiju disaster, it was officially decided to conclude my permanent assignment.
The time has finally come.
I’ll be leaving my days spent with Rin, the Chief, YouPi and Yuma in Hoshimoto City behind.
It’s undoubtedly a good thing for this city. Not being needed here anymore is a sign of peace.
But I really wanted to meet Yuma again, at least one more time.
Not being able to do so is my only regret.

Shu's Diary 25_Sweed

That day, after the final battle, Yuma faced us on the rooftop and told us everything—about the calamity that occurred in a distant galaxy, the Ze Su Gate, the hero Rution who came to protect Earth from its effects, and how young Yuma and Rution became one, leading to his transformation into Arc 16 years later.
And how they had been protecting us all along.

Faced with such astonishing truths, the members of SKIP and I could do nothing but listen intently. But to be honest, even though he spoke so earnestly, much of what he said now feels hazy in my memory.
It’s not that I didn’t understand him. It’s just that as I listened, my heart was in turmoil—the sheer weight of what Yuma had carried alone for 16 years was overwhelming, and the looming sense of an inevitable farewell was impossible to ignore.
As expected, he eventually told us of his decision to journey into the galaxy. He said it was now his turn to help Arc.
My memories of what followed are fragmented.
Yuma saying we were his “closest friends.”
The embrace we shared with him and Arc.
The beautiful arc left in the clear blue sky after they soared into space.
I think, just before that, I managed to muster a few words of thanks.

Shu's Diary 25_Arc

From that day forward, no matter what I do, I keep reliving those moments and my heart aches.
Whenever this happens, I remember his promise to call us whenever he is back on Earth and turn to the kaiju hotline phone.
But of course, it doesn’t ring.
My eyes meet Rin’s as she also turns towards the phone and we go back to work.
Rinse and repeat.

The sound of an electronic beep echoed just now, and I stopped writing this entry.
The watch Yuma entrusted to me had gone off with its alarm.
I wonder if it's broken. The watch, which I have displayed on the shelf, occasionally rings the alarm unexpectedly.
I should probably fix it, but I'd rather keep it as it is.
Because, in a way, it feels like Yuma is sending me a signal from space, and it brings me a sense of peace.
It’s a strange thing to feel that way about a watch filled with painful memories.
But as long as it keeps ringing, I can’t help but feel that Yuma, out in space, is doing just fine— That’s how it truly makes me feel.

Speaking of which, this afternoon I sent my latest report regarding the last battle to ArcFam.
That day, after Ultraman Arc defeated Guilebaku, the dream beast, according to Yuma they also fought an arduous battle against Sweed, the dark galactic warrior.
During the fight against Guilebaku, SKIP, the GDF and I used the little power we had to support Arc. But the fight against Sweed was one-on-one, and just remembering it makes my hands sweat.
But in the end, Yuma—no, Arc and Yuma—came out victorious.
The Arc Finalize with enough power to go around the world was truly spectacular.
And not only that, but the light he released during the fight against Guilebaku was able to envelop and fully restore the once destroyed Hoshimoto City.
It felt like I was dreaming.
With that power, no matter what challenges they may face along the way, I believe without a doubt that they will overcome them and fulfill their mission.
I have no doubt about this.

I started this diary to record my stay in Hoshimoto City.
But that has now come to an end. I’ll return to my nights of coffee and novel reading.
It will be a little while before I fully move out of the office, but ending it by setting down my pen here feels like a fitting conclusion.

Thank you, Hoshimoto City.
Thank you, Rin, Chief and YouPi.
And until we meet again, Yuma.

That’s all.

Yuma called us today!
We’ll get to meet them! Yuma! Ultraman Arc!

Shu's Diary 25_ending