This week gave us a particularly off-the-wall entry for Shu Ishido, the GDF inspector embedded in SKIP in Ultraman Arc. Coming off of “Internet Kanegon,” let’s delve into Shu’s Irresponsible Streaming Adventure, and see what he’s learned — and what we can learn from him.
We started with that joke about Shu spending irresponsibly, but considering he was called to the GDF offices to get lectured, and had to watch every video he made with a superior, I… To call this secondhand cringe would be an understatement. Imagine your boss finding your weird YouTube videos and having to explain yourself or risk your job. Not envious of Shu here…
Shu genuinely fell into the content creator hole badly here, almost sharing classified information with civilians and causing an incident. Once again, shockingly relatable. Streaming is a commitment, and Shu is a professional in everything he does. As for why he did it… Shu, buddy, if you get this desperate because you’re down to only three cups of coffee a day, inflation nothing, you gotta get into Coffeeholics Anonymous!

Let’s turn our attention to Internet Kanegon. Just like his Classic counterpart, now that the problems around him are solved, he’s become a popular mascot! Curiously, both SKIP and the GDF are worried about the potential for more virtual Kaiju to appear in the future, and are adjusting their tactics in the future to properly deal with new ones that may be more malicious. (We personally wouldn’t mind an Internet Booska to match Kanegon!)
The last major part of the diary concerns the growing bond between Shu and Yuma. Though the “US Brothers” will not be returning, Shu remembers the joy of performing alongside Yuma fondly, and at the same time… is a bit worried. It’s treated almost like a throwaway, but… Yuma doesn’t have any hobbies? Anything he likes doing beyond studying Kaiju? We’re big Kaiju fans ourselves, but the way it’s phrased is a bit… worrisome. We find ourselves thinking back to Yuma’s traumas and the weight of his role as Arc, something Shu doesn’t even know about…
As a final note, while we didn’t cover it in detail last time, we have the return of the “Detective Bon Hebon” book! Shu’s favorite novel, tying greater connections between entries. This diary really is great for establishing who Shu is, isn’t it?