May 29, 2022

The time has finally come… Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad is here! This is the third series
of the Ultra Galaxy Fight saga, but if you haven’t seen the first two, never fear, the Noob is here to tell
you—you don’t have to! The Destined Crossroad is powerful enough to stand alone and still make
perfect sense. This review is based on the Ultraman Connection Watch Party screening of the entire
UGFDC series uncut—which was attended by a record number of you by the way! The movie was in
English, but the TVOD will offer subtitles in various languages for international fans.
The story follows the Ultras as they battle their all-time nemeses the Absolutians, spearheaded by the
almighty Absolute Tartarus. The Ultras must protect the Land Of Light against the threats of the
Absolutians along with many other foes, old and new, recruited by them. With the help of Ultras from
every corner of the franchise, the battle is epic, enthralling, and jam-packed with action!
A movie as fast-paced and intense as Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad could easily have been
confusing to a newcomer, but between the recap at the beginning and the clarity of the story
throughout, I felt prepared to enter the battlefield alongside the Ultras. I felt I could trust the film to
bring me along for the ride, and I was not disappointed. Psychedelic visuals, entrancingly choreographed
fight sequences, insane costumes, and awesome sound effects worked together to build a delectable
narrative for any Ultra-fan to dissect.
Although there were certainly some references that would be better appreciated by a seasoned
Ultraman enjoyer, even as a noob I could recognize the intricacy of the character relationships. The
focus on the interactions between some of the female Ultras, the camaraderie of some of the more
playful Ultras, even the communication between the Ultras and Absolutians offered great insight into
the inner network of the Land of Light. It was extremely rewarding to see how the Ultras function
amongst themselves outside of a human-centric context.
The Destined Crossroad works to further the Ultraman philosophy of unity creating strength. Although
the passion exerted by individual Ultras in each fight exemplify the importance of ‘giving each effort
your all’ and ‘believing in yourself’, the Ultras aren’t unique for their willpower.
The distinction between the fighting style of the Absolutians and the fighting style of the Ultras is that
when faced with overwhelming challenges, the Ultras share in the strength of their bonds and even
merge with one another to increase their power. They work together and cheer each other on. The
Ultras prioritize teamwork while their foes often pursue highly individualistic concerns indulging in their
own best interests sometimes at the expense of one another.
When Tartarus shows the slightest bit of concern for Absolute Diavolo, for example, warning that
Diavolo has expended one of the last of his remaining “lives,” for example, Diavolo literally smacks his
leader’s hand away and grunts that he knows. The Absolutians, it seems, have little comprehension of
kindness or negotiation (which would have solved their whole crisis a lot less violently).
In the Ultraman franchise we usually see Ultras and their enemies battle on Earth, one on one, so
getting the opportunity to see the social interactions, politics, and emotional relationships between
their people on such a large scale was definitely a treat.
All in all, for me, the most important takeaway from Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad was a
reminder we all need from time to time:
“Do not fight with anger in your heart.”
Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad is available now to registered members of Ultraman
Connection as a 24-hour Timed Video On Demand rental for $6.99 in the Operations Room. Rent the
movie now and you can also have a 24% discount off any Ultraman item in the Merch Store! Registration
for membership is FREE so be sure to sign up and stay tuned for more updates on!
The Noob is Evangelia Artemis, a New York-based writer and otaku who works on staff at Ultraman
Connection. Her first live appearance was at the Watch Party Round Table for UGFDC.