Catching Up with Kaiju Brooklyn — Day 1!

Catching Up with Kaiju Brooklyn — Day 1!

May 31st marked the beginning of Kaiju Brooklyn 2 — And like a good sequel, it was bigger, better, with even more monsters! Friday was a special VIP night, with a party centered around one of the biggest movies in the entire history of the Ultraman series. And Ultraman Connection was there! Read on to learn exactly how the night went!

The VIP-exclusive event started with special ticket holders receiving a special gift bag, containing not only a special T-shirt created specifically for attendees, but also a DVD of Superior 8 Ultra Brothers by Mill Creek Productions, a particularly beloved movie for all Ultraman fans! It was not the movie that would play later that night, instead giving the attendees something to watch after the convention was over!

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From there, the outdoor area of Industry City was open to guests, with a DJ playing hit tracks from the Ultraman series, while sponsor Brooklyn Kura put out a special tokusatsu-themed menu, including delicious drinks like the Ultraman Punch — guaranteed to knock you on your rear-end with flavor!

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As people settled in, camping out on the green and getting comfortable, the sun setting and casting the evening in deep red, Ultraman Connection sprung into action! Standing in front of an outdoor screen, producer Jeff Gomez, editor-in-chief EJ Couloucoundis, and contributors Evangelia Artemis and Andrew Wong addressed the packed crowd, introducing the movie — Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends the Movie!

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The four Ultraman experts happily spun tales of the series we at Ultraman Connection know and love so well, setting the scene and explaining some context for new fans, as well as giving out another special gift from Mill Creek Productions — a full set of Classic-era Ultraman box sets! A lucky fan, who identified only as “Kevin”, walked away with every Ultraman series released from Ultra Q to Ultraman 80, including The☆Ultraman!

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The film started after the drawing, and immediately, the entire audience was enraptured, cheering for heroes they recognized (Ultraman Dyna got YELLS of joy!) and booing particularly dastardly villainous moments, like Belial’s rampage on the Land of Light. By the time the movie ended, the entire crowd was rapturous, marking a perfect beginning to the convention.

But how did day 2 go, you may ask? Come back tomorrow to find out more! And for more Ultraman Series news and information, stay close to Ultraman Connection!